Sample Statements to Make in Front of the Immigration Judge. Appearing in front of an Immigration Judge is scary and overwhelming. Below are some sample statements that you can say to an Immigration Judge at the “Master Calendar Hearing.”
Obviously, only use the statements that apply to your circumstances. Remember these are just samples and we will try to add to these sample statements over time.
“Your Honor, I would like more time to find an attorney.”
-“Your Honor, I would like an interpreter who speaks the following dialect__________.”
-“Your Honor, I have been unable to find services from the list of free legal agencies you provided me. I will need to represent myself in these proceedings. I ask for the court’s patience with me.”
-“Your Honor, do my children need to be with me at the next hearing. They are young and may disrupt the proceedings.”
-“Your Honor, I have suffered severe trauma, which makes it difficult for me to express everything that has happened and represent myself in these proceedings. I am requesting the Court provide me with a licensed clinical social worker to present my case to the Court. I am requesting this accommodation under the Matter of M-A-M.”