It has been my guiding belief that the practice of law is the practice of a profession. So for better or worse, my practice has never been a business. For more than 25 years, I have sought to build a purpose driven career. In that light, I have found myself in public cases defending immigrants who were being unfairly removed from our country. I have taken on civil rights cases to hold police and municipalities accountable for mistreatment of minorities. I have brought product liability actions for injured consumers, and I have defended small businesses suffering under unfair trade practices.
I believe that life is a sail through both calms and storms. And that we live the majority of our lives in the empty spaces between rest, boredom, and challenge. If the fates allow, it is best to go down in the awful storm, sails un-reefed and the bow smashing apart in the waves. You will always be remembered by the storms you sailed and not the calms.
In solving the problems of my Immigration clients, I am often called upon to think through the solutions of their problems with patience, practice, and form with the belief that we all deserve an equal opportunity to enjoy a full and productive life.
Attorney on Pro Bono Matters
In 2008, I left a corporate legal career to focus on volunteer opportunities and making a difference in the world. In 2019, I joined Formica, P.C. to work as a staff attorney on its many pro bono cases. Unlike what I knew from my years working in corporate law, where pro bono was an occasional event to win favor with the Bar Association, at Formica, P.C. it is an integrated part of its practice.
I am currently inactive with the Formica, P.C. to work on a special personal project. I look forward to soon returning to active representation of pro bono clients with the firm.